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Team Outings 


Team outings are an integral part of any organization these days and also a necessary aspect to motivate and retain an employee, a necessary break required from the mundane office life, a mix of activities for recreation, team bonding and recognizing the talents and skills of each employee, which consecutively guarantee a better work culture and better productivity.

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NLP - Team Building

NLP equips people with the tools to connect with each other in a more powerful way more than even before. When your team understand each other’s deeper values, they can collaborate in a way that the desired results are achieved. 

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NLP - Sales and Stratergy

NLP trains the front line sales team, managers and leaders to understand your clients requirement better, helps in incorporating the right strategy to improve sales and revenue for your organization


NLP - Leadership Training

NLP - Leadership is a very important tool for any individual who is leading a team, helps in understanding each individual of his group through their using body language, verbal techniques and other practical methods and lead towards the desired goal.


NLP - Customer Service

NLP Helps you understand your customers actual requirements and satisfy them their requirement  thus converting your customers into brand ambassadors. helps you increase your profit by 3x times



Enneagram offers unparalleled depth of insight into enneagram types, personality, motivation and self-limiting beliefs, creating the potential for accelerated, integrative and sustainable development in individuals, teams or organisations.

Corporate Events at CCT Mysuru


DMIT - Corporate

DMIT is extremely useful for SWOT Analysis technique, which companies look at their strengths and weaknesses and work on them accordingly. Also helps individual to understand themselves better on work on their weakness and capitalize on their strengths and chose their career wisely


Use this space to introduce yourself and share your professional history.

Use this space to introduce yourself and share your professional history.

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